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LED Wall Pack vs. Metal Halide Wall Pack

Far more economical to run, not to mention more efficient in the long run, the LED Wall Pack light is a great investment. If we look at the Metal Halide Wall Pack, you will find that it takes a 250 watt bulb of one of these types of lamps to equate to a 70 watt LED comparable light. Part of the reason for this is the fact that a great deal of the metal halide’s energy is basically burned up as heat rather than as light. This is certainly not the case with the far more effective and more temperate LED Wall Pack fixture.

wall pack light

Approximately 80% more efficient than similar types of lighting, LED is most definitely a clear choice. Perfect for outdoor applications, the LED Wall Pack’s rugged and durable construction can hold up to some intense elements. Not to mention, their incredibly longer lifespan make it so that particularly in those more difficult to access outdoor areas, maintenance is minimal. Yet another savings, putting money back in your pocket.

Not only are the LED Wall Packs a better choice and a great bargain, they also produce a far more favorable light. Delivering up to 7000 lumens, LEDs create a much brighter atmosphere—and when you’re talking about light, of course brightness and illumination are what count.

So why should you switch from your Metal Halide Wall Packs to LED…We’ve mentioned heat, efficiency, lumens and durability. What about cost? Over a period of time—a relatively short period of time—any money that you may have spent, or any additional expenses incurred as a result of retrofitting with LED Wall Packs, will be made back, plus some. The LEDs lifespan (up to 20 years), combined with greater efficiency, combined with a much cooler running bulb, all add up to tremendous savings in the end. Your ROI is unbeatable when talking about an LED Wall Pack versus a Metal Halide.


Not sure exactly what you need or what the best lighting plan/layout is for your particular building. LEDRadiant’s expert staff will be more than happy to help you. With years of experience and knowledge under our belts, we can direct you toward the best possible LED Wall Pack solutions.

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