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  • Canopy Lights Are Definitely in Demand

    How can you significantly reduce energy consumption and thus overall energy costs at your facility…retrofitting with LED canopy lights is certainly a great way to start. Perfect for example in gas stations, these LED lights burn longer and far more efficient than more traditional style bulbs. With lifespans that can range from 50-100,000 hours, the LED canopy lights are a product that you can certainly get behind.

    Given their intensity and brightness, these canopy lights are phenomenal when it comes to outdoor use. People want to feel safe, and in order to feel safe they need the surrounding area to be lit up. Only LED lites can do this to the point where drivers become less anxious and subsequently feel more secure. Isn’t that what you would want for your facility…

    Additionally, as these types of LED lights offer greater flexibility as far as being able to equip them with various controls, they tend to save even more in energy costs. So why should you investigate retrofitting with LED canopy lights…The reasons speak for themselves really. But if you look briefly at a quick comparison between let’s say for example, metal halide lights and LED lighting products you will certainly see the reasons are quite clear:

    • High intensity discharge lamps take 3 to 5 minutes for full output and sometimes up to 20 minutes to stabilize the color temperature. LED light output stabilizes in less than 1 second.
    • Another characteristic of HID lamps is that if switched off, they cannot be restarted until a waiting period of 5-10 minutes. LED lights can be switched off and on immediately.
    • HID lamps come in basically 2 color temperatures, either cool white for metal halide or yellow 2100-2300 Kelvin for HPS (high pressure sodium).
    • LED lights operate at 120F to 180F while metal halide lamps operate at 1500F to 1800F. This means a more efficient overall luminosity as well as a more effective end result.
    • Potentially the number one advantage that LED canopy lights have over halides or any other type of lighting fixture for that matter is in the average lifespan. Boasting anywhere from 50,000 to over 100,000 hours of life, the LED canopy light is guaranteed to save you time and money,
    • While perhaps the initial output may be a little bit more as far as the LED bulb goes, the overall cost is significantly less. You will save with LED canopy lights. Because of the fact that there is much less maintenance involved, because the lifespan is a great deal longer and because the product is in general that much better, you can rest assured that LED canopy lights will make your wallet smile.


  • UFO LED Lighting; The Wave of the Future

    Ideal for warehouses and just about anywhere that requires a rugged, waterproof and long lasting light source, the new UFO style LED lights are certainly making a huge splash in the lighting industry. Easy to install and more attractive than some other types of lighting, these UFO LED lites are at the top of their class. If we consider similar products featuring for example metal halide or CFL lamps, we see that the LED UFO’s lifespan is much much longer. Potentially upwards of 100,000 hours, these fixtures require very little maintenance, which equates to big savings for you in the long run. And who wouldn’t want that…

    Smaller and more compact than other forms of LED lighting, The UFO LED lights still put out the same amazing brightness and luminosity and its durable construction make it great for spaces that may be more inclined toward rougher weather or more unpredictable elements. Given their design and functionality, light is sent downward extremely effectively. In the end these UFO LED products are cheaper to run, more efficient in function and certainly eye catching and fashionable.

    The other wonderful thing about these new LED UFO style lights is the incredible ease when it comes to installation. Projects that might normally take hours or even days, now only take a comparatively short amount of time, as this particular LED light. Lessening the likelihood of complications or malfunctions, the sheer simplicity of retrofitting with these types of LED lights is certainly a very welcomed feature of the product.

    LEDRadiant wants to help you select the best style and light available to fit your needs and business demands. Our skilled staff knows how to answer your questions, and we know how to advise you in regard to retrofits or brand new installs. Additionally, as we are in the process of implementing a new electrical contractor referral program, we are attempting to become your incredibly comprehensive LED lighting source. So don’t hesitate to contact us at 844-533-7320, we would be more than happy to help.



  • LEDRadiant’s New Electrician Referral Program

    LEDRadiant is invested in helping you. That is why we are making retrofitting and/or installing new LED lighting in your structure or building even easier than before. Generally when undertaking such an LED lighting upgrade project, you want to ensure that a certified electrician is performing the tasks required. Especially when dealing with some as potentially dangerous as electricity, doing this type of work on your own can be hazardous. So in the interest of efficiency, affordability and most importantly, safety, we are in the process of compiling a list of authorized and highly skilled electricians who would be happy to provide a quote for your LED retrofit or installation project.


    How does it work…

    Stop by our website and then once in the system, and once you have purchased some of our top of the line LED lighting products, you will be able to locate the name and contact information for an authorized electrician local to your geographic region. Rather than undertake a project of this nature on your own, it makes sense to hire a qualified LED certified specialist for your job. To search for a qualified electrician in your area go to http://ledradiant.com/index.php/LR_Electricians

    For the electricians involved there are definite benefits to this new referral program. Become an authorized electrician with LEDRadiant and you will be eligible for a plethora of discounts on all of our LED lighting products. Signing up is free and once you are an authorized LED lighting reseller, we will begin referring customers to you. This is most definitely a win/win situation for everyone involved. Additionally, we will have monthly purchase amount threshold—reach the threshold and get even more tremendous benefits and discounts on numerous LED light products.



    It’s easy to start.

    As an electrical contractor you simply visit us at LEDRadiant.com and submit your profile information. One of our staff members will then be in touch. On top of this you will also start receiving amazing special offers, product updates and even some effective marketing techniques and ideas. And for customers, simply go online and start shopping; fill us in on the details of your project and we will be happy to help match you with a certified electrical contractor.


  • 5 Things You Didn't Know About LED Lighting

    If you have an interest in LED lights, you probably already know their basic benefits.  By comparing them with other types of lighting, they consume much less electricity, last longer and are cooler to the touch. But the benefits of LED lightning don't end there.

    Here are five lesser known advantages of LED lights you probably didn’t know:

    LED Lights can take a hit!  All other light bulbs, by dropping them on the floor or hitting them with a hockey stick become useless and usually the result is shattered glass everywhere. But LED’s are different. They can take a hit and keep on ticking!  Since they are not made of glass, they are much more durable than traditional gas filled bulbs. Even if they are impacted or damaged, unless the damage is severe, they may be able to be repaired. Contact your supplier for details on reparable LED products.

    They won't leave you in the dark. Unlike traditional light bulbs, LEDs don't suddenly go dark. Instead, after their estimated lifetime, they begin to fade, slowly losing brightness, thus allowing you to schedule their replacement well before they completely fade out.

    They never Flicker. LEDs use Direct Current (DC) instead of Alternating Current (AC). most of LED bulbs include an internal electronic driver to convert AC power into DC, thus allowing for a constant non-flicker current.

    They come in different color temperatures. Do you prefer daylight to subtle yellow light? How about bright white with a bluish tint? The choice is yours when selecting LED lights. Paying close attention to lighting color is important as it can directly affect mood and alertness. Additionally the color plays an important aesthetic role in interior design. Make sure you pay close attention to color temperature when you are selecting an LED bulb. The Illumination experts at LEDRadiant can assist you in your search for the perfect LED bulb for your needs.

    They don't waste light. LED Chips are unidirectional and distributed in various locations on the bulb fixture. For ceiling lighting, this means that all the light is directed toward the open space and no light is directed towards the ceiling. These ceiling bulbs give a 180 degree sphere of light instead of the traditional 360 degree spheres that require a reflector.

    Visit LEDRadiant at http://LedRadiant.com

  • Why You Need to Upgrade to LED Lighting Now

    By now you've heard all of the hype about LED bulbs and all the benefits of using LEDs over traditional incandescent or HPS bulbs. For individuals in private homes, switching to LED lighting will help save money and electric. It also is good for the environment. This is the basic understanding of LED products as we have come to know. If you are like me, you are in the process of switching to LED, but you are waiting for your old incandescent or CFL bulbs to burn out. You spent money for those and don’t want them to go to the landfill before they are expired.

    factory-lights Energy efficient LED tube lights.

    However, for business and industry, the urgency is now. Replacing traditional bulbs with LED lights is an urgent and immediate requirement. Don't put this off any longer because each day you are spending more money than you should. You are wasting electric. Places that have lights on for more than 8 hours a day are doing themselves a very strong disservice by continuing to operate their old HPS, florescent, or even incandescent light fixtures.

    Think about making the switch now. The savings by switching to LED are immense and immediate. Each day you wait costs you more money. Some warehouses, department stores, municipalities and other areas that keep lights on more than 15 hours a day often report their payoff in ONLY ONE MONTH. If you are operating a grid of lights with multiple fixtures burning more than 5,000 watts of HPS, CFL (fluorescent) or Metal Halide, or incandescent, energy-savings of LED lighting will be remarkable.

    The cost of upgrading the bulbs now and throwing out those old bulbs will pay off in such a short amount of time that it does not make sense to continue wasting electricity with traditional bulbs. The amount of time it takes to see a return on the investment in new bulbs varies based on the number of hours of light you're using.

    Generally speaking, a facility with lights burning 24/7 will see a payoff within a few weeks. Once the lower electric bill pays for the cost of the LED bulbs and their installation, the ongoing savings in electric is momentous. Furthermore, the long lifespan of LED bulbs means you will not have to replace them for many years. Long Lasting LED's will last more than 50,000 hours, around 5.5 years if used 24 hours a day. This means that ONLY after 5.5 years of use you will start noticing a decrease on the brightness of the bulb.

    The amount of daily hours of lighting use is the most important aspect to determine the payoff time and the ROI.

    The analysis is quite simple. Calculate the lighting amount of your electric bill. Contact LEDRadiant for an estimate and we will provide you with a free site survey to show you how quickly you can realize ROI on new lighting.

    Our LED products are available in different color temperatures and styles. LEDRadiant has the proper style to replace your existing lights without the need to reconstruct or create new fixtures.

    All of LEDRadiant’s light products are guaranteed for five years, typically have a minimum of 50,000 hours of life, and are UL listed.

    For more information or to speak to an illumination adviser, call LEDRadiant toll free at (844) 533-7230.

  • LEDRadiant -- It's all About the Technology

    LEDRadiant is among the leaders in the forefront of LED technology. The single most important thing that separates LEDRadiant from other LED companies or big box department stores that sell LED lighting is technology. LEDRadiant does not maintain large quantities of stock so that all items available continue to maintain the latest in technology and highest efficiency available.

    What this means for the consumer is that LEDRadiant bulbs continually provide the highest lumens per watt ratio and last up to 4 times longer than department store LED bulbs.

    One of the best-selling department store bulbs is a 10 watt LED (60 watt replacement). This bulb is sold at numerous big box department stores and produces 800 lumens of light. In comparison, LEDRadiant’s newest 8 watt bulbs will replace a 100 watt incandescent bulb by producing 1040 lumens. In other words, LEDRadiant’s bulb uses 20 percent less electric and produces 30 percent more light. While it's true that simply replacing one bulb will not have a huge impact on electric costs, the savings realized by replacing many bulbs can be very significant.

    At the higher end, LEDRadiant’s 22 watt LED Corn Bulb can replace a 200 watt incandescent. For businesses with large numbers of 200 watt incandescent bulbs, the savings can be remarkable. Beyond just the obvious savings of reduction in wattage use, LED bulbs are much cooler than incandescent or HPS bulbs. There is little to no impact on air conditioning costs because LED bulbs emit very little heat.

    New and more efficient bulbs come to the market about every 4 to 6 months. When these new products become available to LEDRadiant, their existing stock is moved to the clearance section. While LEDRadiant’s clearance section may have LED bulbs from last year's technology, discount department stores typically sell LED bulbs from technology approximately 5 years old.

    Although the price of LED bulbs from five-year-old technology is lower than current technology, the operating cost is higher. In addition to the watt usage comparison mentioned previously, the newer technology also provides for a lifespan more than triple than the life span of department store LED bulbs.

    One of the most often overlooked features of the new generation of LED lighting products is durability. Unless these bulbs endure significant and strong impacts, they do not break or stop working. For example, an exposed LED bulb will not break or crack when falling a short distance or even when being banged by another object. Incandescent, fluorescent, and HPS bulbs are extremely fragile and often break or crack before their useful life is over. LEDRadiant products are manufactured under extremely stringent technology allowing moderate impact and shock without damage.

    When you shop at LEDRadiant, you are buying the latest generation of LED technology. Simply put, LEDRadiant’s LED bulbs are always the most efficient, longest lasting and most durable lighting products available.

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